Responsive Website Design

Front-End Development


Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the process of using a combo of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to produce everything that you see when you’re navigating around the internet, from fonts and colors to dropdown menus, sliders, images and videos. At the successful completion of this course, you shall become a competent "Front-end Developer"


Candidates are expected to have basic knowledge of the computer and microsoft office suites. They must also be familiar with common internet and web terminologies.

The courses that are covered in this program include:

  • Introduction to Website Technology
  • Image Manipulation
  • HTML (Hyper-text Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Git and GitHub
  • Domain Name Registration and Hosting
  • Introduction to WordPress
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Duration: Three(3) Months

Weekdays: Monday - Friday

Class Periods:
Morning Session:    9:00am - 12pm
Afternoon Session: 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Weekends: Saturdays
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Amount: N150,000

Full Payment

Installmental Payments: First Payment = 70% of Course Fee

Interested individuals can pay using the following methods:

1. Pay at the training centre

2. Pay to the bank using the following bank details:

Backend Website Picture

Back-End Development


Back-end Development refers to the server-side development. It is the term used for the behind-the-scenes activities that happen when performing any action on a website. It can be logging into your account or purchasing a wrist-watch from an online store.
Backend developer focuses on databases, scripting, and the architecture of websites. Code written by back-end developers helps to communicate the database information to the browser. At the successful completion of this course, you shall become a competent "Back-end Developer"


Candidates are expected to have successfully completed the Front-end website development Course. Therefore, a good knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript is required

The courses that are covered in this program include:

  • Introduction to Server Technology
  • NodeJS and ExpressJS
  • MySQL and NoSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript)
  • Security and API
  • Registration and Login System
  • User Records and Database System

Duration: Three (3) Months

Weekdays: Monday - Friday

Class Periods:
Morning Session:    9:00am - 12pm
Afternoon Session: 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Weekends: Saturdays
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Amount: N200,000

Full Payment

Installmental Payments: First Payment = 70% of Course Fee

Interested individuals can pay using the following methods:

1. Pay at the training centre

2. Pay to the bank using the following bank details:

Full Stack Website Development Picture

Full Stack Development


Full-stack developers are experts in both the front-end and back-end of a website. They are proficient in both front-end and back-end languages and frameworks, as well as in server, network and hosting environments. At the successful completion of this course, you shall become a competent "Full Stack Developer"


Candidates are expected to have basic knowledge of the computer and microsoft office suites. They must also be familiar with common internet and web terminologies.

The courses that are covered in this program include:

  • Introduction to Website Technology
  • HTML (Hyper-text Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Git and GitHub
  • Introduction to Server Technology
  • NodeJS and ExpressJS
  • MySQL and NoSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript)
  • Security and API
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Registration and Login System
  • User Records and Database System

Duration: Six (6) Months

Weekdays: Monday - Friday

Class Periods:
Morning Session:    9:00am - 12pm
Afternoon Session: 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Weekends: Saturdays
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Amount: N350,000

Full Payment

Installmental Payments: First Payment = 70% of Course Fee

Interested individuals can pay using the following methods:

1. Pay at the training centre

2. Pay to the bank using the following bank details:


ICT Picture

ICT Fundamentals

Graphic design

Graphic Design

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing