Learn how to use social media platform to create digital contents and generate revenue. At the successful completion of this course, you shall be able to create digital contents that sell
Candidates are expected to have graphic design skill and the ability to browse the internet
The courses that are covered in this program include:
Duration: One(1) Month
Weekdays: Monday - Friday
Class Periods:
Morning Session: 9:00am - 12pm
Afternoon Session: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Weekends: Saturdays
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Amount: N150,000
Full Payment
Installmental Payments: First Payment = 70% of Course Fee
Interested individuals can pay using the following methods:
1. Pay at the training centre
2. Pay to the bank using the following bank details:
Account Number: 0473233599
Bank: GTB