Welcome To Negotech Ventures

We believe in creativity, quality and teamwork. We offer a unique blend of innovation, style and technology to providing services that promotes the growth and publicity of your brand. Whatever the level of your business success, we believe in growth. As a result, we are keen on providing products and services that will take your business to the next level. Our services includes Website Design, LED Display Screen, Digital Marketing, Logo Design and Training.

When quality and durability matters, you can trust Negotech Ventures.

E-Commerce Website

Website Design

Your website is an important part of your marketing strategy. More and more people are searching online for things they want, for solutions to their problems, to compare prices, or just to get some information about a store, restaurant or business before they purchase from them. If you don’t have a website, potential customers will go to your competitors who do.
Get a website for your business today.

Logo Design

Custom Logo Design

Your customers may not always remember the name of your business, but your brand logo gives your business a unique identity on the minds of your customers. We create professional logos that can help your business standout.

Digital Marketing


Internet usage has more than doubled over the past decade and this shift has massively affected how people purchase products and interact with businesses. Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.
Your customers are online, your competitors are online. Be accessible to your customers!

LED Display Board

LED Display Screen

LED screens can help you convey your products and services to your prospective customers in a unique way. It's an effective means of advertisement and it can give your business a unique presence and maximum exposure.

ICT Pics

Get Trained Today

The future of the world depends on humans accomplishing more by using computers to create innovative things. Yet today, only small percentage of adults are truly proficient with computers. Looking at this problem, Negotech Ventures aims at training people (kids and adults) to see a computer as a tool for “creation and productivity”.

Digital Billboard

Digital Billboard

A digital billboard can help you advertise your products and services to prospective clients in a unique way. Static signage is good but digital is better. GO DIGITAL.
Contact us for more detials.

Digital stage Background

Digital Stage Background

Get a digital stage background for your church, event hall, etc.
Contact us for more detials.

Digital Name Badge

Digital Name Badge

A scrolling LED name tag with moving details can get your audience intrigued.
Contact us for more detials.


What we have created

Assumption catholic Church LED display board

Assumption Catholic Church, Idama, Warri

Filraphill Hotel

Filraphill Hotel & Suites Website


Nerowey Logo Design

Phone Number Dailing

We’ll be glad to hear from you. Contact us today and let’s take your business together to the next level.

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